Client Configuration

The example used in this tutorial will have a simple client that allows users to register a username with a credential and verify them. It’ll be assumed that the flask server backend will be running on localhost:5000. To perform a post request at an endpoint, we can then use:

async function post(endpoint, params) {
  return fetch('http://localhost:5000' + endpoint, {
    credentials: 'include',
    body: params,
    method: 'POST',

Essentially, the client will need to call the previous endpoints to get options to use with the browser’s credentials API and subsequently return the attestation or assertion object depending on the type of request.

The HTML is basic and includes just a textbox for the username, buttons for registration and authentication as well as a colored status indicator. Some JavaScript utilities are also included for base64 handling and setting the status.

The JavaScript utilities:

function base64encode(src) {
  let buffer = (src instanceof ArrayBuffer) ? src : src.buffer;
  return btoa(
    Array.from(new Uint8Array(buffer)).map(
      x => String.fromCodePoint(x)).join('')

function base64decode(s) {
  return new Uint8Array(Array.from(atob(s)).map(x => x.charCodeAt(0)));

function setStatus(s) {
  let statusElement = document.getElementById('status');
  statusElement.innerText = s;

The HTML body:

<h3>WebAuthn-RP Registration Example</h3>
<hr /><br />

Username: <input type="text" id="username" />
<button onclick="register()">Register</button>
<button onclick="authenticate()">Authenticate</button>

<br /><br /><hr />

<span style='color: green;'>STATUS: </span><span id='status'></span>


Getting the credential creation options:

function parseCreationOptions(opts) {
  let pOpts = Object.assign({}, opts);
  if ('challenge' in pOpts.publicKey) {
    pOpts.publicKey.challenge = base64decode(opts.publicKey.challenge);

  if ('user' in pOpts.publicKey && 'id' in pOpts.publicKey.user) { = base64decode(;

  return pOpts;

async function registerUsername() {
  let params = new URLSearchParams();
  let username = document.getElementById('username').value;
  params.append('username', username);
  setStatus('Registering username ' + username + '.');
  let response = await post('/registration/request/', params);
  if (!response.ok) {
    setStatus('Failed to register username...could already be registered.');
    throw Error;
  registrationRequest = await response.json();
  cco = parseCreationOptions(registrationRequest.creationOptions);
  registeredUsername = username;
  setStatus('Creating credential for ' + username + '.');
  attestation = await navigator.credentials.create(cco);

Sending the attestation:

function attestationJSON(cred) {
  let credJSON = {};
  credJSON.type = cred.type; =;
  credJSON.rawId = base64encode(cred.rawId);
  credJSON.response = {
    attestationObject: base64encode(cred.response.attestationObject),
    clientDataJSON: base64encode(cred.response.clientDataJSON),
  return credJSON;

async function registerAttestation() {
  setStatus('Attesting credential for ' + registeredUsername + '.');
  let attJSON = attestationJSON(attestation);
  let params = new URLSearchParams();
  params.append('challengeID', registrationRequest.challengeID);
  params.append('credential', JSON.stringify(attJSON));
  params.append('username', registeredUsername);
  let response = await post('/registration/response/', params);
  if (response.ok) {
      'Successfully registered credential for ' + registeredUsername + '!');
  } else {
      'Failed to register credential for ' + registeredUsername + '...');


async function register() {
  await registerUsername();
  await registerAttestation();


Getting the credential request options:

function parseRequestOptions(opts) {
  let pOpts = Object.assign({}, opts);
  if ('challenge' in pOpts.publicKey) {
    pOpts.publicKey.challenge = base64decode(opts.publicKey.challenge);

  if ('allowCredentials' in pOpts.publicKey) {
    let allowCredentials = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < pOpts.publicKey.allowCredentials.length; i++) {
      let nCred = Object.assign({}, pOpts.publicKey.allowCredentials[i]); = base64decode(opts.publicKey.allowCredentials[i].id);

    pOpts.publicKey.allowCredentials = allowCredentials;

  return pOpts;

async function requestAuthentication() {
  let params = new URLSearchParams();
  let username = document.getElementById('username').value;
  params.append('username', username);
  setStatus('Requesting authentication for username ' + username + '.');
  let response = await post('/authentication/request/', params);
  if (!response.ok) {
    setStatus('Failed to request authentication...');
    throw Error;

  authenticationRequest = await response.json();
  cro = parseRequestOptions(authenticationRequest.requestOptions);
  authenticatingUsername = username;
  assertion = await navigator.credentials.get(cro);

Sending the assertion:

function assertionJSON(cred) {
  let credJSON = {};
  credJSON.type = cred.type; =;
  credJSON.rawId = base64encode(cred.rawId);
  credJSON.response = {
    authenticatorData: base64encode(cred.response.authenticatorData),
    clientDataJSON: base64encode(cred.response.clientDataJSON),
    signature: base64encode(cred.response.signature),

  if ('userHandle' in cred.response && cred.response.userHandle != null) {
    if (cred.response.userHandle.byteLength > 0) {
      credJSON.response.userHandle = base64encode(cred.response.userHandle);

  return credJSON;

async function assertAuthentication() {
  setStatus('Asserting credential for ' + authenticatingUsername);
  let aJSON = assertionJSON(assertion);
  let params = new URLSearchParams();
  params.append('challengeID', authenticationRequest.challengeID);
  params.append('credential', JSON.stringify(aJSON));
  params.append('username', authenticatingUsername);
  let response = await post('/authentication/response/', params);
  if (response.ok) {
      'Successfully authorized username ' + authenticatingUsername + '!');
  } else {
      'Failed to authorize username ' + authenticatingUsername + '...');


async function authenticate() {
  await requestAuthentication();
  await assertAuthentication();